
K-9 Disaster Relief 

501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization.

 Thank you for considering a gift

Trauma affects us all , , , humans and animals alike. During Hurricane Katrina, K-9 Disaster Relief aided and assisted the Humane Society of the United States. HSUS asked us to come to their National Headquarters to help the staff and volunteers who felt a sense of failure, as they could not find and save all the animals. 

Like in any disaster, you want to help everyone, but soon realize that if you just help one – – that is an achievement. 

Bennie - Hurricane KatrinaBennie, was rescued, cleaned up and adopted. We placed his photo on the wall in the HSUS call center where their staff worked tirelessly 24/7 to reunite the animals.
To K-9 Disaster Relief, Bennie represents what all our canine disaster relief volunteers do during every disaster. He is now a Disaster Relief Canine working in Louisiana. He was adopted by a veterinary student who took one of our courses in

With our canine partners we do make a difference. Our work has never been more important than now. We continue to train volunteers and need your support to continue and provide services.

Thank You!

Frank T. Shane, Executive Director

K-9 Disaster Relief

551 Valley Road
Suite 380
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043